Taking stunning nature photos may seem difficult. But it’s actually quite easy–once you know a few tricks.

In this article, you’ll discover our top tips and tricks for incredible nature photography!

And your photos will never be the same again.

Let’s get started.

Choose Subjects You’re Passionate About for the Best Nature Photography

All photography starts with a subject.

The subject is the focal point of your photo. It’s the thing that the viewer is drawn to.

And if you want to capture amazing photos you must shoot subjects that you’re passionate about.

If you love birds, shoot birds.

If you love insects, photograph insects.

And if you’re obsessed with flowers, photograph flowers.

Don’t force yourself to photograph a subject because you think it will be popular. Don’t go through the effort of mastering a genre for the likes, views.

The thing is, nature photography involves carefully studying your subjects. By getting to know your subject, you see them in a whole new light.

But if you’re not passionate about your subject, then you won’t want to spend that time. And your photos will suffer.

Of course, you don’t have to choose a single subject immediately. But you should start thinking, even now, about what you might want to shoot.

And then–experiment! See how you feel photographing that subject. Don’t be afraid to try new scenarios and get out of your comfort zone.

Eventually, you’ll hit on something magical.

Shoot During Morning and Evening for Gorgeous Light

Nature photography starts with a subject.

But, more than anything, it depends on light.

If you shoot in great light, you can capture great images.

And if you shoot during terrible light, your images (at best).

But what counts as great light?

First of all, the worst light for nature photography…

…is light at noon on a sunny day.

Here’s why:

During the late morning and early afternoon, the sun is high in the sky. It beats down on subjects–and harsh, dark shadows.

This is exactly what you don’t want.

Instead, you want soft, golden light. And you want a light that illuminates your subject evenly–without casting harsh shadows.

It’s found in the early morning and late afternoon. Up to two hours after sunrise, and up to two hours before sunset.

Experiment With Lighting Directions for Unique Nature Photography

You know that you should shoot during the golden hours.

(If you shoot during the golden hours, every single day, your portfolio will expand extremely rapidly. I guarantee it.)


It’s important that you don’t just shoot during the golden hours.

Instead, you need to shoot during the golden hours–the right way.

Let me explain:

When the sun is low in the sky, the light comes from a direction.

If the light comes from behind the photographer, it’s called the front light (because it hits the front of your subject).